vendredi 10 décembre 2010

Des journées entières dans les livres #27

My wife and I made love this afternoon. We hid together from the light of our desire, forehead to forehead. Later she asked me, did I taste sweet for you? Dear companion, you did. This evening I watched with pleasure as she undressed and put on her flannel pyjamas. I held her closely until she went to sleep. Then I closed the light and left the room carefully and I came here to you.

3 commentaires:

  1. ....and I came here to you and fed you tea and oranges that came all the way from China?
    ps. This is a just a Hello from America and just to say that we really enjoy your blog here!

  2. Thank you Tanya for your kind words. I discover your Mushrooms, that seem to be full of gems : i shall follow it.
    Tea and oranges : here in France we have a very popular french cover of Suzanne, very close to the english one - except for missing "Tea and oranges".

  3. Merci Joel, and I would love to follow your very original , informative and fun blog too. And as for Tea and Oranges ...well, it's hard to imagine that song without those images, but then again, I have a feeling that it sounds just as poetic in french as it does in English!
