Saturday, August 25, 1888. 5:20 P.M.
is the name of a photograph of two
old women in a front yard, beside
a white house. One of the women is
sitting in a chair with a dog in her
lap. The other woman is looking at
some flowers. Perhaps the women are
happy, but then it is Saturday, August
25, 1888. 5:21 P.M., and all over.
[Il y a du monde sinon le 25 août clic-clic,
Sean Connery, Elvis Costello, Chet Baker, Martin Amis, Philippe Léotard,
Fantin-Latour, Truman Capote, Christiane Rochefort, Jack Nitzsche - cent
ans pile après Nietzsche Friedrich, par Heldon et Deleuze.]